
What our clients have said about us

Hi there,

I have received the document. Thank you!

Just want to let you know that we have been quite happy with your services. There is always a response from you to our enquiries via email, it give us confidence when dealing with companies that is not familiar to us, especially for this kind of matter.

I will surely recommend your company to others for similar matters.

All the best,……

Rosie Wang, Australia

Morning, Just to say thank you for such a great service, Got all our reports back this is here in England! Kind regards……

Kristina, UK

I would like to thank you and the team of World­wide Foren­sic Ser­vices Inc. for the amaz­ing job you have done. My crim­i­nal record check was processed so quickly and I was kept in the loop through­out the entire process. All of my ques­tions and con­cerns were answered promptly, in such a cour­te­ous man­ner. As some­one apply­ing for an inter­na­tional visa, and on a very tight dead­line, I might add, it has been a huge help and relief to have the guid­ance of your com­pany. I have already rec­om­mended your busi­ness to many peo­ple, who I’m sure will be equally grate­ful as I am for your ser­vice. Thank you again…

Michelle Mackey, Australia

I just wanted to let you know I received my Crim­i­nal Records Check yes­ter­day. I can­not express how impressed I am with the speed and pro­fes­sion­al­ism you have shown. I am so glad I fell upon this ser­vice, oth­er­wise I would still be wait­ing for months!. You have made, what is usu­ally a dif­fi­cult and tedious process, a breeze!…

Del­phine, Australia

Wow, you guys are Amazing!!! Thank you so much for the timely professional service and for delivering the service you promised. You are true to your word which is hard to believe in this day and age. As a satisfied customer, I will for sure recommend your company to others. Thank you…

Fartun, Australia

Hi, Thank you so much for your help. I will put good words in the review for your good office. Every penny is worth spending on your team. Thank you so much for your quick response to every email and concern of a customer. Very good customer service and I really appreciate how easy you have made for all the people traveling around the world and need their police clearance. Thank you for your good work, please keep it up. Thank you so much……

Anil and Nari, USA

Our 3 Crim­i­nal Record Checks arrived today via courier, less than 2 weeks after we had sent them to you from South Africa! Many, many thanks for your great ser­vice at a rea­son­able price. I was amazed and delighted with the speed of your ser­vice, how incred­i­bly prompt you were in respond­ing to my ques­tions, how quickly you sup­plied me the infor­ma­tion required, as well as con­stantly updat­ing me of the progress dur­ing each stage of the progress. I wish all com­pa­nies oper­ated as effi­ciently, pro­fes­sion­ally and cour­te­ously as yours!……

Bruce McIn­tyre, South Africa

Thank you so much for your email and incred­i­ble level of effi­ciency and pro­fes­sion­al­ism. I sin­cerely appre­ci­ate it and will most cer­tainly be using your ser­vices again in the future (as well as refer oth­ers to you)……
Celia, South Africa

I received the cer­tifi­cate this morn­ing. Thank you for your prompt and effi­cient ser­vice. I will def­i­nitely be rec­om­mend­ing your com­pany to all of my over­seas Cana­dian friends and oth­ers at the NZ uni­ver­sity I am cur­rently attending……

Jessica Ellis, New Zealand

Hi, Thank you so much! You are a wonderful, fast agency! Thanks a lot:) Best Regards……

Ewa Figus, Poland

I’m so lucky to have known you and your com­pany. Every­thing is flaw­less. Your ser­vices is 100% sat­is­fied!!! Thanks again……

Jang Kon Kim, Guatemala.

I must say I am thor­oughly impressed with your ser­vice, in terms of prompt­ness and over­all professionalism…Thank you so much as you have made an oth­er­wise painstak­ing process smooth and seamless……

Tamara Milanovic, Barbados

Let me take this oppor­tu­nity to express my grat­i­tude for a job well done. World­wide Foren­sic Ser­vices exceeded all my expec­ta­tions and lived up to their ser­vice man­date. Many thanks for the pro­fes­sional service……

Greg Dem­b­skey, Australia

Many thanks!! I really appre­ci­ate such an amaz­ing ser­vice. It could have taken months to do if it was done with­out your service……

Usama Ebead, UAE

Thank you very much for your ser­vice. It was won­der­ful doing busi­ness with thor­ough pro­fes­sion­als like you……

Atif Ikram, Pakistan

Just want to let you know that I received my RCMP cer­tifi­cate yes­ter­day. Many thanks, it was totally worth it, I would still have another 4 months of wait­ing if I wouldn’t used your service….

Vanessa Pece, Australia

Thank you so much for help­ing me with get­ting my crim­i­nal back­ground check. I have had a very pos­i­tive expe­ri­ence with the ser­vice offered by World­wide Foren­sic Ser­vices Inc. Thank you again for your help……

Stacey Tewes, Belize

My sis­ter has received my back­ground check. Thank you for the great ser­vice and Happy New Year……

Jason, South Korea

Thanks a lot – really I appre­ci­ate and acknowl­edge your kind help. Best Regards……

Arfat, Saudi Arabia

Thank you so very much for tend­ing to my request with urgency. I am extremely grate­ful for it. If it wasn’t for this ser­vice, I’d still be wait­ing another 3–4 months for my clear­ance. Thank you!! Kind regards……

Michelle, Australia

We received the clear­ances in the mail yes­ter­day. Thanks again for your help.Cheers……

Jessica, Germany

I received the orig­i­nal clear­ance let­ter. Thank you so much for your help……

Misako Ashihara, Japan

Thank you for your EXCELLENT work! I already received the doc­u­ment from Cana­dian Police……

Larrisa, USA

Thanks very much, Dr. Singla. Your fin­ger­print ser­vice is really fan­tas­tic. We will def­i­nitely pro­mote this ser­vice within our friends……

Sonia, China

Got my results back today! Thanks so much for the amaz­ing ser­vice. Best of luck, thanks again……

Ciara, Australia

I received my clear­ance let­ter in just 10 days. Amaz­ing service……

Taranjit, India

Wow. Amaz­ing. Thanks so much for your help. Is there any­where I can write a review about the effi­ciency of your services?……

Steve Austin, Australia

Thank you! We are so pleased with your good services……

Gem Cooper, China

I have received my police clear­ance cer­tifi­cate. Thank you so much for what you’ve done for me. I really appre­ci­ate the work you did……

Sukhdeep Singh Cha­hal, India

Fantastic-thanks so much for your assis­tance. I will be sure to pro­mote use of your ser­vices to my friends overseas……

Yvonne Pledger, UK

Thank you for being extremely effi­cient and help­ful dur­ing the endeavor. Once I have obtained the results, I will be sure to rec­om­mend World­wide Foren­sic Ser­vices Inc. to oth­ers here in Korea and elsewhere……

Daniel Chang, South Korea

That was quick, thank you for the update and prompt service……

Waseem Mian, South Korea

Received my RCMP police clear­ance cer­tifi­cate today. Really great ser­vice. Thanks a lot, guys……

R. Abdul­lah, Australia

I would just like to thank you for the very quick turnaround time in regards to my fin­ger­print­ing and police clear­ance from the RCMP! Def­i­nitely worth the money spent! You shipped the pack­age from Toronto yes­ter­day and I have received the pack­age to my door in less than 24 hours! You all did a great job and thanks again!……

Chris Pol­lard, U.S.A.

I just received my crim­i­nal record check! THANK YOU so much for your effi­cient service. Much appre­ci­ated. :-)Have a great day……

Zainul Javer, Australia

Thanks!! Really appre­ci­ate all your efforts on this, your com­pany pro­vides a fan­tas­tic service!……

Gerry McGov­ern, Ireland

Just wanted to inform you that I received my doc­u­ments today! Thanks for the out­stand­ing and expe­di­ent service!……

Jason French, South Korea

Thank you for your excep­tional service……

Peter Mintchev, Bulgaria